Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday Musings !

Komrade Karat and The Third Reich .....errr.... Front !!

The rounding up of disparate forces into what is termed by Karat as the third front, should be be trashed with the contempt it deserves. A motley bunch of self seekers, with nothing but brazen aggrandisement in the forefront of their agenda, seek to lead the country as Prime Minister - sorry, charlatans, the electorate is much to wise to put you in power. You may continue to play satrap in Chennai, Mumbai, Bangalore or Lucknow, but to reach the capital, you will have to wash your sins seven times over. Thankfully, Delhi still remains the destination of the pure, and our Democracy has a knack of throwing up the right person for the top job. For the time being, Dr. Manmohan Singh remains the man to lead the country, despite the machinations of comrade Karat, and the drooling satraps - continue your shameless wanton greed filled agenda, you are not going to make it !!

Lal, peela, or any colour salam !!

Ali , Mind Your Language !

Nafisa Ali, may look charming in her vegetable dyed sarees, but that's the beginning and end of her appeal in the electoral arena. Not content at having lost to Mamata in the 2004 elections, Nafisa once again has brazenly jumped the election band wagon without the slightest qualification to be a servant of society. Oh come now Nafisa, don't say' I do', those ribbon cutting functions you so often grace are tea and cookie parties, far removed from the hurdy gurdy of politics and responsible parliamentary activities. One should know one's own limitations, but the greed for power is all pervasive, sweeping all and sundry in its wake,therefore why not you Nafisa ? You join the august ranks of aya ram's, gaya ram's, symbolic of Indian politics, bereft of ideology, commitment and expertise. Welcome Nafisa, to the bankruptcy of Indian politics, so well symbolized by you, your mentor,and and the party you represent this election.

1 comment:

Kiran B said...

Komrade Karat! What a pain. They have a faction, I think in West Bengal, which they call the Forward Block. That means Block anything that takes the country Forward. The CPIM calls themselves the party for the poor. If there were no poor they there would not be a CPIM. So keep their followers poor at all times and if possible the country. I am a follower of Marx, yeah, Groucho Marx and the Marx Brothers.

Breaking News! Manu wants 100 days to make the economy strong. Duh!! What was he doing for the last 5 years? The economy and this country prospers in spite of the government thanks to the people.

I would have expected Ms. Ali to have more sense than join the SP if at all she wanted to join politics. Polo, swimming etc does not go along with the SP and like you said tea and cucumber sandwiches. They deserve Sanju Baba.

My color is safron and I have Mahesh Jethmalani as the candidate in my area. Oxford educated etc. Finally some decent chap (hopefully).

Waiting for Thursday to come for another episode of American Idol. Do hope the Americans have more sense than to vote off Allison (a 16 year old rocker) or Danny Gokey. They are the best of the lot. Poor Anoop Desai was voted off last week. He must have had the ghost of Sanjaya hovering over him from last year. Can somebody please translate what Paula Abdul says?

Enough for Sunday.