Thursday, May 12, 2011

Cheerleader Gabriella

Poor Gabriella Pasqualotto !

You know, its not easy being a cheerleader. For one, blogging is a crime in IPL. As a cheerleader, you are supposed to prance and dance in a stadium of 70,000 spectators, scantily dressed, which is ok by the IPL bosses. What is not ok is to sit behind a computer and blog !!

Grabriella made the mistake of talking about the holy cows of the IPL, the players. As players, they are supposed to be bereft of emotion, read flirtation, which is considered 'healthy' and a boost to one's ego, and maintain stony faces in the light of seeing a 22 year blonde beauty, bubbly and full of good cheer. Further, in a party after a grueling match, you 're not to look below the face of the cheerleader, and if you did, you'd be committing major sacrilege,a la Taliban style, and could perhaps get flogged for it ? (Chained to the bed, with leather whips and high heeled boots?)

And of course the Indian player have emerged unscathed. Sachin, Dhoni, Rohit etc have been given a clean chit, I wonder why no mention has been made of Yuvraj, Sreeshant and Paaji? Have they too been all goody goody? Didn't any one tell them all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy ?

And the one line lesson to be drawn? The players have 'privacy concerns' and Gabrilla obviously breached those privacy boundaries. What would have been ok is to continue doing what you / the players did, but dont blog it ! And of course our puritanical IPL bosses would like to do the same in the dressing rooms, but not read their names in print !!

1 comment:

Bhatsing said...

You can dance but not blog! Visions of Donald Trump saying "You're fired!!" come to mind. It must have been a case of Gabriella getting too much attention from the "favored few" that caused the firing not the blog. So can you guess who did the firing? The IPL board would have just been a front. There have been so many blogs about the IPL, like the Fake IPL Player etc and nothing happened to them and no one was fired.
They all walk around with a halo over their heads but what really goes on?