Next time you see a person wearing a Hawai rubber chappal, don't snigger. You may be seeing a Mamta Banerjee in the making, or already there!

The ubiquitous Hawai chappal has now become the subject of an intense debate and study. Is the hawai responsible for propelling you into the exalted position of a Chief Minister? Does wearing the hawai give you the powers of Kali Ma, the destroyer of evil (and CPM ) ?? Studies into the cause and effect have been instituted in the Karat school of Mismanagement, and Buddhu Dev University, Nandigram. Apparently the CPM has instructed its core group to start wearing hawai's as a measure of precaution against further debacles.
However, what is a hawai chappal? Its a casual form of footwear that signifies a 'hawai island' kind of life, bermuda shorts, palm printed shirts hawais, a straw hat, and a stroll on the beach. In other words, it signifies, an easy and laid back vacation kind of mood.
In India it however assumes different proportions. Being cheap and easy to make, it was first made popular by Bata, and the went on to be mass produced by small producers. Being ideally suited for our climatic conditions, it was quickly adopted as the footwear of the masses.
We all have worn hawai's at some point of time, but are quick to discard them as soon as we move from the extreme casual to even the remotely semi formal. So quick are we to disown them, that even the slightest brush with a colleague or a friend can bring an embarrassed flush, and mumbled excuses. However, with Mamata's victory as the decimator of the CPM, things have begun to change. Hawai chappal makers have begun to advertise the powers of their 'wear' (please note not wares), and in the JNU campus study groups have dropped the kohlapuris in favour of the hawai. All age groups from babes, to moms to grand moms now regard it as a totally acceptable foot fashion, and wear their bias on their sleeve, oops... foot!! NGO's have added hawai's to their must wear list, in addition to Fab India kurtas and Dastakari jhollas.
Mean while change is palpable in Writers building in Kolkata. Transition form Red to Green with all the hues in between has begun. The chatterati have begun to prevail on Mamata, " how can you di" they said, " be sworn in in hawais"? Mamata di is swayed, 'yes, how can I' she thought'? Maybe I should get myself a pair of closed shoes, and with that thought consigned one of the chatterati off to get her a pair.
The next day at the swearing in, Mamata came in her good old self, dressed in her trademark khadi white sari, she appeared a wee bit taller, and oops, did I detect a bit wobbly ?? With all the excitement and dignitaries the thought passed, till didi sat down, and involuntarily crossed her legs.In the short second of crossing her legs, the footwear flashed, wait !! where were the hawai's ??? These look like...... closed shoes.........patent leather....... ?????? and the label of the footwear brilliantly embossed, .........' JIMMY CHOO'?????? Do my eyes read right?
Verily, change is the only constant, Amen!!
1 comment:
The Hawai is the footwear of choice because of the following:
1 - Low cost
2 - Easy to put on and remove.
3 - The above lends to the ability to throw it at the opposition quickly and repeatedly.
They can now play the song Hawa Hawai every morning in the State Assembly like an anthem.
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