General KyaNahi is livid!!
Fuming, he mutters to himself 'How could the Americans done this to me'? Me their ole buddy, gave them all my war plans, and they didn't invite me to their party in Abbottabad? Think, would they have been able to have the party if I hadn't hidden Osama there? 'They'd probably would have had to have the party in Jalalabad in Afganistan, or some place else, not in our beautiful cantonment, Abbottabad.' Pacing the floor, deep in a reverie at AHQ in Rawalpindi, the gentle knocking on the door brought him back to reality, as he looked up, around his office, almost unsure where he was.'Come in' he barked in true General style, the door opens almost reluctantly, and a head peers in nervously, 'you wanted to see me sir ?' 'Ah Pasha, come in, come in '
In the meanwhile, mohan Singh, is a worried man. 'Where could I have gone wrong?' he ponders? Here I hid Raja, Kalmadi and others in plain sight, and they were discovered and arrested. Imagine General KyaNahin managed to hide Osama for 6 years and got away with it, and I couldn't hide these chaps for 6 months.Must get some tips from him.
In Washington, CIA chief LayKay Patt-i-e-ga ( pronounced Leon Panetta), is working strategy how to get ISI Pasha back in good humor. 'They had a shouting session, you know?' the Pakistani generals proudly tell each other. 'Imagine our Pasha shouting Patt-i-e-ga down, impressive!!' So the CIA spin doctors have worked out a strategy where they will share fake information on where Mullah Omar is in Pakistan, and let the ISI raid the place, to show how good their intelligence network is. That should get Pasha smiling....., but what do we do when they don't find him in the raid? Just blame the ISI moles for having pre warned the Mullah,so he fled, just like they have been doing to us!
Back in Rawalpindi, after a long confabulation both General KyaNahi and Pasha, looked pleased. 'Yes, that's the right way to go Pasha', 'the Americans will try it again', 'and this time we'll give it to India'. 'Have you told the Indians?' Pasha pleased that his benefactor boss is pleased, goes a step further, and says, 'yes sir', 'I have issued a statement warning to India, that we have identified targets, and if the Americans stealth attack us again, we will attack those targets in India'!!
In the meanwhile, flash news has come in the IMF head has been attested for getting head in New York. Do Me In (Dominic) Strauss Khan, of the IMF'd wonders what all the fuss is about, after all I was in a French Hotel in NYK, and doing a French thing, don't I have immunity here? Had I been back home in France, the people would have loved me for my great passion, these unimaginative Americans are bereft of finer things of life, and now who will run for French President, now that I'm in a US prison? Most bothersome !!
And in India, mohan Singh is meeting ............
Further, the results of the byebye elections in the states have begun to pour in, and the GonWrongess party has lost in all of them. 'Dam these elections, who needs them anyway?' thought money mohan, I must appoint General Bush-e-Sharraf as a consultant to get rid of these elections. Ever since he's been unemployed president, he's been sending these messages through Indian TV news channels that he set Pakistan right by doing away with elections. Perhaps he could do the same in India !
And President O'WhatABummer ( pronounced Obama )
is a worried man too, with Libya Ghaddha-Fee, calling him our dear son, 'boy he almost blew my cover' 'it was tough talking my way through that one in Congress' better blow him out of Libya, before he blows my cover. I think I'll call General BlowApart to carpet bomb Libya, since the seals are on strike for higher pay.
And in India, mohan Singh is meeting ............
And thus goes the great worries our leaders have, and the grave decisions they have to make !
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