Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pakistan - its inflection point

Pakistan has been injured, Unfortunate !!

'The enemy lies within', a oft repeated catchphrase within the circle of Pakistan watchers,has been trashed with disdain by the establishment in Pakistan. 'We know who our friends and enemies are' is what the leadership has declared on various forums and occasions, whilst Prime Minister Gillani declared in his recent speech in parliament, China is our all weather friend, an obvious oblique reference to America's unilateral attack in Abbottabad. Yesterdays terrorist attack on its naval air base in Karachi,  may perhaps work as a wake up call about who the real enemy is ( the question of friends not withstanding! )

Pakistan Naval Station (PNS) Mehran, a well guarded military establishment, was stormed by 6 terrorists, who managed to wage a war in the air base for 16 hours. Whilst tragically killing 10 soldiers, and wounding 15, they managed to destroy two out of the five Orion P-3c surveillance aircrafts supplied by the United States, thereby whittling the fleet size to almost  50% of its original number. A terrible blow to Pakistan's surveillance capabilities, and more importantly, a hugely demoralizing act for the armed forces.

Whilst this attack is condemned by all, both in Pakistan and overseas, to view this attack in isolation would be myopic, there is a larger picture, almost a pattern that seems to be emerging from such attacks. The attack on the various military establishments seem to suggest insider support, and though denied by the army, proceeded to ban today, preaching teams, known as Tableeghi Jamaats, from cantonments, as possible sources of radicalizing some of the lower levels of the military. Indeed this has been found true, as some members of the armed forces sought leave of a year to move along with the preaching teams, were later found to be training militant groups. The senior military now seems to be appreciating that the radicalization of the armed forces, which began with general Zia, may not be serving the best interests of the forces. This may be perhaps, the beginning of a de radicalization of the armed forces 

Further, this may also be the turning point of the supremacy of the military and its secret service the ISI. The once almost infallible military's image has taken a beating, and it's almost god like status is being questioned by civil society, because of their inability to keep both the terrorists and the Americans in check, who, both seem to act at will, raid establishments, GHQ, Abbottabad or Mehran. Civil society is also tired of an weak and ineffective civilian democratic government, which does not have the will or the ability to take on either the military, the Americans or the militants head on, and is caught in a pincer between these three dominant forces that seem to be calling the shots in Pakistan. Whilst civil society has begun to enjoy democracy and the basic rights that it brings with it, they seem to now want to move up the value chain of democracy, and enshrine all its fruits, and without saying it, wouldn't mind the army being cut down a bit to size. The average Pakistani, does not have radical leanings, and is hurt, saddened, and despondent about his country being considered the epicenter of terrorism, would like to correct this image, and is perhaps somewhat angry that his government isn't doing enough to correct this image.

Thirdly, the dynamic shift in geo political alignments seems to be on the cards. Pakistan has seen America to be a self seeking ally, whilst the US views Pakistan with the same degree of suspicion. Both seem to be drifting apart, despite knowing they need each other, a freeze in relations is imminent. As the two countries are distancing themselves, Pakistan seems to be dangerously close dancing with China, its 'all weather friend', and the US, getting closer to India. This doesn't auger well for any one, as the Chinese dragon is land and resource hungry, has its long term energy and mineral security in mind while befriending Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Finally, the relations of Pakistan with its neighbor India must come under intense scrutiny, not as an existential threat, but as potential trade and cultural partner, thereby benefiting both countries enormously.The sovereignty of Pakistan is being challenged, indeed so that of India too. Both countries have their subsets of problems and issues to deal with, and both are trying to grapple with them. Each country seems to take great pleasure in pointing an accusing finger at the other, without realising whilst one finger points at the other, four point in one's own direction. Whilst we both spend billions of our resources amassing troops in the Kashmir war front, the Kashmir's have no time for either of us. Such is the irony of our relation !

Pakistan has reached an inflection point in its history and existence, and time will show if they respond in a statesman like manner, to emerge stronger and capable of dealing with issues that challenge its very being.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

How strange it is....


How strange it is...

We wish to earn loads of money, but we have the best of times only when we have just 10 bucks in the pocket..
We wish to wear designer brands, but we feel most comfortable in casuals...
We wish to sit at the best Five Star Hotels, with elite people, but we enjoy roadside vendor food with friends the most....
We wish to own expensive cars & go on long drives, yet we talk our heart out only while walking down a long road...
Life is indeed simple...
Why make it complex by running after what never gives us joy...
Love Life... Take note of the small things..
For when you achieve the bigger ones, you can smile & say...
'I have lived it all...' 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

to ponder

Who says the sun is set?
It has just temporarily gone beyond my horizon!"

Life is not waiting for the storms to pass.........its about learning how to dance in the rain.    
We don't stop laughing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop laughing

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Uneasy is the head that wears the crown

General KyaNahi is livid!!

Fuming, he mutters to himself  'How could the Americans done this to me'? Me their ole buddy, gave them all my war plans, and they didn't invite me to their party in Abbottabad? Think, would they have been able to have the party if I hadn't hidden Osama there? 'They'd probably would have had to have the party in Jalalabad in Afganistan, or some place else, not in our beautiful cantonment, Abbottabad.' Pacing the floor, deep in a reverie at AHQ in Rawalpindi, the gentle knocking on the door brought him back to reality, as he looked up, around his office, almost unsure where he was.'Come in' he barked in true General style, the door opens almost  reluctantly, and a head peers in nervously, 'you wanted to see me sir ?' 'Ah Pasha, come in, come in '

In the meanwhile, Dr.money mohan Singh, is a worried man. 'Where could I have gone wrong?' he ponders? Here I hid Raja, Kalmadi and others in plain sight, and they were discovered and arrested. Imagine General KyaNahin managed to hide Osama for 6 years and got away with it, and I couldn't hide these chaps for 6 months.Must get some tips from him.

 Further, the results of the byebye elections in the states have begun to pour in, and the GonWrongess party has lost in all of them. 'Dam these elections, who needs them anyway?' thought money mohan, I must appoint General Bush-e-Sharraf as a consultant to get rid of these elections. Ever since he's been unemployed president, he's been sending these messages through Indian TV news channels that he set Pakistan right by doing away with elections. Perhaps he could do the same in India !

In Washington, CIA chief LayKay Patt-i-e-ga ( pronounced Leon Panetta), is working strategy how to get ISI Pasha back in good humor. 'They had a shouting session, you know?' the Pakistani generals proudly tell each other. 'Imagine our Pasha shouting Patt-i-e-ga down, impressive!!' So the CIA spin doctors have worked out a strategy where they will share fake information on where Mullah Omar is in Pakistan, and let the ISI raid the place, to show how good their intelligence network is. That should get Pasha smiling....., but what do we do when they don't find him in the raid? Just blame the ISI  moles for having pre warned the Mullah,so he fled, just like they have been doing to us!

And President O'WhatABummer ( pronounced Obama ) is a worried man too, with Libya Ghaddha-Fee, calling him our dear son, 'boy he almost blew my cover' 'it was tough talking my way through that one in Congress' better blow him out of Libya, before he blows my cover. I think I'll call General BlowApart to carpet bomb Libya, since the seals are on strike for higher pay.

Back in Rawalpindi, after a long confabulation both General KyaNahi and Pasha, looked pleased. 'Yes, that's the right way to go Pasha', 'the Americans will try it again', 'and this time we'll give it to India'. 'Have you told the Indians?' Pasha pleased that his benefactor boss is pleased, goes a step further, and says, 'yes sir', 'I have issued a statement warning to India, that we have identified targets, and if the Americans stealth attack us again, we will attack those targets in India'!!

In the meanwhile, flash news has come in the IMF head has been attested for getting head in New York. Do Me In (Dominic) Strauss Khan, of the IMF'd wonders what all the fuss is about, after all I was in a French Hotel in NYK, and doing a French thing, don't I have immunity here? Had I been back home in France, the people would have loved me for my great passion, these unimaginative Americans are bereft of finer things of life, and now who will run for French President, now that I'm in a US prison? Most bothersome !!

And in India, Dr.money mohan Singh is meeting ............

And thus goes the great worries our leaders have, and the grave decisions they have to make !

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The power of the Hawai Chappal

Next time you see a person wearing a Hawai rubber chappal, don't snigger. You may be seeing a Mamta Banerjee in the making, or already there!

The ubiquitous Hawai chappal has now become the subject of an intense debate and study. Is the hawai responsible for propelling you into the exalted position of a Chief Minister? Does wearing the hawai give you the powers of Kali Ma, the destroyer of evil  (and CPM ) ?? Studies into the cause and effect have been instituted in the Karat school of Mismanagement, and Buddhu Dev University, Nandigram. Apparently the CPM has instructed its core group to start wearing hawai's as a measure of precaution against further debacles.

However, what is a hawai chappal?  Its a casual form of footwear that signifies a 'hawai island' kind of life,  bermuda shorts, palm printed shirts  hawais, a straw hat, and a stroll on the beach. In other words, it signifies, an easy and laid back vacation kind of mood. 

In India it however assumes different proportions. Being  cheap and easy to make, it was first made popular by Bata, and the went on to be mass produced by small producers. Being ideally suited for our climatic conditions, it was quickly adopted as the footwear of the masses.

We all have worn  hawai's at some point of time, but are quick to discard them as soon as we move from the extreme casual to even the remotely semi formal. So quick are we to disown them, that even the slightest brush with a colleague or a friend can bring an embarrassed flush, and mumbled excuses. However, with Mamata's victory as the decimator of the CPM, things have begun to change. Hawai chappal makers have begun to advertise the powers of their 'wear' (please note not wares), and in the JNU campus study groups have dropped the kohlapuris in favour of the hawai. All age groups from babes, to moms  to grand moms now regard it as a totally acceptable foot fashion, and wear their bias on their sleeve, oops... foot!! NGO's have added hawai's to their must wear list, in addition to Fab India kurtas and Dastakari jhollas.

Mean while change is palpable in Writers building in Kolkata. Transition form Red to Green with all the hues in between has begun. The chatterati have begun to prevail on Mamata, " how can you di" they said, " be sworn in in hawais"? Mamata di is swayed, 'yes, how can I' she thought'?  Maybe I should get myself a pair of closed shoes, and with that thought consigned one of the chatterati off to get her a pair.

The next day at the swearing in, Mamata came in her good old self, dressed in her trademark khadi white sari, she appeared a wee bit taller, and oops, did I detect a bit wobbly ?? With all the excitement and dignitaries the thought passed, till didi sat down, and involuntarily crossed her legs.In the short second of crossing her legs, the footwear flashed, wait !! where were the hawai's ??? These look like...... closed shoes.........patent leather....... ?????? and the label of the footwear brilliantly embossed, .........' JIMMY CHOO'?????? Do my eyes read right?  
Verily, change is the only constant, Amen!!

The Indian democracy Jamboorree

Today’s been the day of the vote count of the state elections, and has resulted in one mad rush on my Twitter account. Tweets have been coming full and fast, and the excitement is palpable. Journalists Barka Dutt, Sagrika Ghosh, Vikram Chandra, Bupen Chaubey et al, can hardly hold their excitement- change is on the threshold, and they are live reporting it, carried away with the mad hysteria of the winning party’s followers.
Pritish Nandy, a senior and respected journalist comments
“More important than who has won where is that Indian democracy has again proved itself. The ballot box has won.”
Adds Vikram Chandra
“ What a crash for the Left! All powerful, with a veto at the centre, just 3 years back! And now totally wiped out.”
The five states of Assam, W Bengal, Pudducherry, TNadu and Kerala where the elections have been held, old warhorse parties like the CPM & DMK have been decisively routed, and the Congress humbled in Puducherry and Kerala .The incumbent Trinamool & DMK governments were both led to victory by their mercurial women leaders, and is slowly showing that India to be increasingly be led by the fairer gender. In recent memory, leaders like Laloo Prasad Yaday and Sharad Yadav had opposed the women's reservation bill, which intended to reserve 33% of seats in the central and state legislatures, is now being translating into reality by the electorate,  bill or no bill.

The great India democracy continues its song and dance with our lawmakers, routinely humbling the high and the mighty, and giving the electorate an opportunity to change their rulers. Over a period of time, 'people's party's' become authoritarian, oppressive, bombastic, corrupt and unresponsive to the people, and consequently are served a drubbing in the court of the people, the elections. In the case of both the Left and the DMK, their states had become personal fiefdoms, and milching cows of the first family, the Karunanidhis, and with the CPM, their functionaries at mid and lower levels. Simultaneously, responsive governments such as Tarun Gogoi's in Assam, were given a rousing mandate to return to governance, and continue their good work.
Peoples power is the ultimate power in a democracy, and for some strange reason, all political parties loose sight of it and are rudely reminded of it when drubbed in elections. The era of Laloo's social justice empowerment, gave way to infrastructure and development, and now the electorate want jobs,clean governance and responsive administration. 
The  governments in the newly elected states have an onerous task in front of them - to restore the independence of the state machinery, to refill the bankrupt coffers, to restore law and order, besides other pressing reforms the state may need. A long road lies ahead.....

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Cheerleader Gabriella

Poor Gabriella Pasqualotto !

You know, its not easy being a cheerleader. For one, blogging is a crime in IPL. As a cheerleader, you are supposed to prance and dance in a stadium of 70,000 spectators, scantily dressed, which is ok by the IPL bosses. What is not ok is to sit behind a computer and blog !!

Grabriella made the mistake of talking about the holy cows of the IPL, the players. As players, they are supposed to be bereft of emotion, read flirtation, which is considered 'healthy' and a boost to one's ego, and maintain stony faces in the light of seeing a 22 year blonde beauty, bubbly and full of good cheer. Further, in a party after a grueling match, you 're not to look below the face of the cheerleader, and if you did, you'd be committing major sacrilege,a la Taliban style, and could perhaps get flogged for it ? (Chained to the bed, with leather whips and high heeled boots?)

And of course the Indian player have emerged unscathed. Sachin, Dhoni, Rohit etc have been given a clean chit, I wonder why no mention has been made of Yuvraj, Sreeshant and Paaji? Have they too been all goody goody? Didn't any one tell them all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy ?

And the one line lesson to be drawn? The players have 'privacy concerns' and Gabrilla obviously breached those privacy boundaries. What would have been ok is to continue doing what you / the players did, but dont blog it ! And of course our puritanical IPL bosses would like to do the same in the dressing rooms, but not read their names in print !!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Legally correct - INDIA

The most legally correct country in the world ! Yes you got it right the first time, INDIA !! Surprised ? don't be, here's how :

Lets take the case of Kasab & Osama Bin Laden.

In full sight of Mumbai, Kasab and his gang killed 166 and injured 304 people in a 62 hour reign of terror. Despite having recordings on video footage, and ample eye witnesses, India overcame its collective rage, and followed the tenet ' innocent till proven guilty' and proceeded to give him a trial. The trial was not a kangaroo court, determined to give him a death sentence - he was afforded a lawyer by the state, his trial consisted of a 5000 page well documented charge sheet, 3192 pages of evidence, and the statements of 658 witnesses. The trial couldn't have been more fair and transparent, the Indian government being at pains to be Ceaser's wife, above suspicion. Having been pronounced guilty and handed the death sentence, the order was stayed and given the right to appeal in the High Court.

In contrast is the case of Osama Bin Laden in the US. Having perpetuated crimes against America, OBL was given a life sentence by an American court ( I don't remember where/when, since it was so low profile). The Americans had decided he was guilty, ( which he was) and handed him the sentence without much ado.They then began their hunt in true bounty hunter style, and finally 'smoked him out' in Abbottabad. Nothing wrong with that, OBL was as guilt as hell for all that he had been charged for, found him and executed him 'dead or alive' taking no chances, more dead, rather than alive.

Now we come to the analogy -  Kasab vs OBL, both terrorists, both committed horrific crimes, one got arrested, and the other hid in Pakistan. Whilst India proceeded with utmost restraint, and did the judicial correct thing, the US couldn't wait to blow OBL apart, although he was vulnerable, with his wife, and in the dead of night - to my mind an act of cowardice.

With all of what we  understand, India seems to have emerged as the winner in a mature legal system, which we may often lament for its slow pace and irritating dependence on 'evidence' when facts seem plain enough, whilst the US legal system has shown a bias to pre knowledge to the case in hand.